Wednesday, November 08, 2017

high on the mountain

Last night we got the little truck stuck on the steep part of the road.  By "we" I mean the husband.  By "stuck" I mean, basically, sideways, back wheels in ditch, bumper against bank.

This morning Mack came, since he had to come get daughter #2 for work anyway, and pulled it out.  Much easier than the come along.  Then he came for coffee.

This afternoon we figured we'd better get some work done on the road.  It has been put off, it has been neglected, we've had other priorities (plumbing the MIL's house for example).  If we're getting vehicles stuck, we've got work to do -- or we have to start parking down at the road.  The truck is tricky to drive up anyway, with that light hind end.  But a rain shouldn't make it so we can't get up.  It had taken me two tries, and I was in the van.

One of our crew was at her town job.  One I interrupted his money work here.  I put supper into a place it could wait.  It wasn't a hard supper anyway, but if I were to have someone for coffee (a delight but an unaccustomed one), rock the road, AND have supper, it had *better* be 1) easy and 2) hearty.  The brown soda bread would be hearty, the soup made on the snack rotisserie chicken easy.  Also, cheap. 

We've sometimes thought rocking the road as a team defined our family.  Of course putting the 900# round bale into the field for the large animals defines our family.  Work together for the betterment of all; don't kill each other.  A 900# bale that starts rolling makes the latter real.  Really real.

You know, if I had Mack's equipment and an extra thousand bucks, I could have the road whipped into shape right now.  Heck, it was built in just a week.  Well, really only the valley of the shadow of death and the steep part were built; the rest was pretty much there.  But you know what I'm saying.  We don't have the money. Lawd the money that would run in to.  Who needs to go that bad? I guess someone who'd have to pay all that money.  Instead of getting to do it with each other.

36 buckets of rocks, two shovels ditching.  I think we made quite a difference, plus it will help prevent damage next time it rains.  Tomorrow, big breakfast then also rocks.  Then plumbing and library.  Then poker ride.  I should pay bills somewhere in there.

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