Saturday, July 23, 2011

in the interest of real

the white corn. See the shovel? It is 4 1/2 feet tall and you cannot see the top of the corn.

a couple turnip beds. These were red potato beds. The did not have a great yield so we dug them up and are eating them now and growing turnips for the winter. If we happen upon a wet day before these are too big, some might be transplanted to even them out a bit. They will have to be thinned quite a bit but thinning, of course, equals food (greens with turnip bits).

these are october beans, on top of potatoes that are still in the ground. They are still pretty small plants, and meander some on the top of the mounds. The rest of the green is weeds.


Part of what I was thinking as I took these photographs today was, what does this really look like? In the spring we were looking through photographs with family when a sister made a comment about how their garden was weedy and ours wasn't. Which made me think, perhaps the photos weren't telling the whole story.

Although it is true that this blog is for only a part of the story. Still, if people think that a really fertile garden doesn't grow really big weeds, they'd be wrong. In the interest of trying to capture some of the not ideal . . .

this would be the melon patch. Now, we can clean this out in just an hour or so, that is true. And there is lots of good melon growth in there but to have really good melons, we will have to get around to actually doing it. There's also a ton of purslane in this patch which we will harvest and eat/preserve.

and this is the most used gate to the circle garden and really all you can tell from this photo is there is a scythe resting against a roll of fence wire and a whole lotta green. I actually took this to show off the pump in the center and maybe you can see it if you can make the photo bigger. A lot of the green is food, but a lot of it is weeds too. Weeds are just green manure. And sometimes food themselves.

this is just for beauty, real. The very first sunflower to bloom. We have lots this year!

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