Friday, December 30, 2022

in a very pleasant liminal space


You can tell I'm enjoying this project because it is getting done!  The books I have written about so far I've gotten down and looked at again, and contemplated, and remembered where I was and what I was thinking 25+ years ago. Geez, this blog is almost 20 years old!

And then I'm also asking the question, "What book is next?" and thinking about that, and about all the books!

Anyone the least bit familiar with this blog or with me knows Gene Logsdon is my favorite agricultural writer hands down, so I was thinking about him and his books, but also thinking that One Straw Revolution probably came to us before Gene did (well, except for his how to books that we already had, but before Contrary Farmer, et al.) and in poking around the internet I was like, "We don't have THAT book?" and "We don't have THAT book?"  And we had read One Straw from the library so we'd never owned it. So with my small Christmas bonus I sure did buy six books!

And just after I placed this book order, I had some french toast (made with our own limed eggs) topped with maple syrup a fellow worker had given me and oh my, that syrup is stupendously good.  Of course I'd already offered to work for syrup but after tasting that I was like, "Hey, yall want to see about making some of our own?" Especially because we now have someone local with experience to pump for information.

And we do have the Nearing's Maple Syrup Book, the observation of which daughter #2 said, "We have a book on making maple syrup?" with genuine surprise. Then,  "Of course we have a book on making maple syrup! Who are we anyway!" with genuine amusement.

One of the reasons I had to buy more Gene Logsdon books was that we did not have his Organic Orcharding book, and I'm studying up on what to do with our planted last spring baby orchard in the next few months: pruning, mulching, feeding. (I am reading The Backyard Orchardist and The Pruning Manuel at the moment.)

And One Straw is coming so now I just have to decide if I want to write about that before it comes or wait until after . . .

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