Saturday, July 25, 2009

looking for the mustard seed amongst the blackberries

I don’t have photos, but it was 24 pints of blackberry jam, then the picking of eight gallons of blueberries. There will be more in the coming week. Plus the laying in of some hay.

While husband was picking the blackberries, there were canes that grew high, way over his head. Someone had been in this berry field before him and had not bent those canes down in order to pick the ripe berries but had bent them down and BROKEN them in order to pick the ripe ones. This leaves the unripe ones to rot, not ripen for the next person (or for the birds).

This is why I have so little faith in humanity.

Instead of asking ourselves how we’d live if we died tomorrow, it would be useful to ask ourselves how we’d live if we lived forever. Because we do. Through our children. It makes no sense to buy into artificial constraints (like those of schooling), but it makes even less sense to pretend there are no constraints at all.

This is the time of year for fruit. It is also the time of year to plant the fall/winter garden, to can, to preserve, to lay in, to provide for that time of constraint that is coming.


Mr. H. said...

So I'm not alone in my lack of faith in humanity. Society pretends to care so much for the children but is leaving so little of value for their future needs.

Somtimes when we pick huckleberries we will come across whole bushes ripped out of the ground, apparently being piled up for easier picking. Yes, very little faith in humanity anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Instead of asking ourselves how we’d live if we died tomorrow, it would be useful to ask ourselves how we’d live if we lived forever. Because we do. Through our children. It makes no sense to buy into artificial constraints (like those of schooling), but it makes even less sense to pretend there are no constraints at all."

I find this paragragh in particular to be very profound and thought provoking. This is exactly the way I feel about so much of the downfall of our society today. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.

jenny said...

I, too, like what you said about how we'd live if we lived forever. Makes a person think and look at things a little differently.

Time to go and ruminate on that.