Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life or Something Like It

The grass is growing. It has been for awhile but now it is outgrowing the grazing animals and causes me, already, to consider scythes and harass husband about getting one in shape for me to use. I’m hoping to be disciplined enough to do just a bit most days. Like cutting wood in the winter. I didn’t cut all the wood we used this winter but pretty much every day I cut some. If I mowed just a little most days . . . .

I’m not usually very good with discipline sorts of things.

Ah, with the grass coming back, the milk is going up and getting color. The rabbits are again being fed mostly weeds. We are rehabbing some of the fencing. Mixing up the glysophate (for the fences). We burned one fence off in the garden it was so bad, and moved some “stuff” that had been there for forever. And every Monday is trash day wherein we try to rid ourselves of some accumulation.

It is time for me to engage in my annual day of stream bank restoration. So many people like to see a “cleaned up” stream bank and truly, that is such a bad thing. A stream needs a riparian border. Our front stream didn’t have that. So we’ve let it grow, and in the spring I put on the waders and cut whips of willows and stick them in mud places, trying to pay attention to the areas that are eroding. It has helped but there isn’t a quick fix.

Also in the stream is a vein of clay and I am wanting to gather a good bit of that for a few artisan-type projects. And I am wanting to cut down a few trees growing too close to the bridge across the stream. And maybe some branches hanging over the road.

Right now, this moment, it is time to water the seedlings. And check the cat who had a “vestibular event” yesterday. A “vestibular event” mimics dying actually, and I probably caused it by unblocking said cat’s ear. I think I will brush the horse this afternoon -- nothing is more soothing than horse breath.


El said...

How's the kitty?

I am so jealous of your milk. Too bad we don't live closer: I would give you a dozen eggs for a gallon, or even less...yummy butter, yogurt, drinking...

Jenn said...

Poor kitty. I think you 'rocked' his world.

Teri said...

Try a sickle instead. They're inexpensive, and easier to use than a scythe. We used to use one every day to cut grass for the geese when we lived in town. (Course, you could just go with geese but that leads to a whole different set of problems!)

CG said...

And sickles won't mow large areas. Great around the blueberries, or grazing for the rabbits maybe, but not mowing a field, not eliminating too many iron weeds in the bottom. Miss my geese though. Not their poop though.