Saturday, December 30, 2006

Jingle Bell Tag

Stander tagged me for this just before Xmas and I just didn't quite get to it. But I didn't want to ignore it either. You'll understand if I don't continue the tag though.

It is three things on my wish list, and three things I definitely don't want to get.

Since it is over I might as well put things on my wish list that we simply cannot afford at the moment: 1) Behemoth vehicle to replace one I wrecked more than a year ago. The van is fine but for our rare trips out I like to be able to go to the feed store, the pick up a bulk order, and a trip to Wal-Mart AND fit all the kids and husband in (husband hates it when he gets tied on top of the van for the trip home). 2) stock trailer (I don't really need this, but I'd like to need it so really I don't even want it yet but I want to work toward needing it. My family will understand.) 3) Hmmm, ok, I really can't think of a three except Peace On Earth which really if we had I wouldn't want 1 or 2 because then it would be safe to take a wagon into town once every few months.

What I don't want? Hmmm, 1) a vacuum cleaner, 2) to win the lottery, 3) cheap oil.

That last one makes me think maybe I should put "end of the oil age" on my wants list. But it is here anyway folks. Wake up.


Anonymous said...

ok I really have to ask this. why don't you want to win the lottery??

CG said...

Short and simple answer, it ruins people's lives.

If I won the lottery and could buy all that I work for now, what is the value of it? How is my character weakened? How does it affect who I am and my relationships with others?

Also, it is like all the people who look for "the magic bullet", whether that is a drug or a way to eat or a treatment -- an answer for the way things are. Things are the way things are because of the choices we have made and no magic bullets will significantly change the way things are -- only significantly different choices will change the way things are.

laura said...

here here!!

laura said...


i am guilty of looking for that "perfect diet"

too much food neurosis for too many reasons to mention....

but it's something i try to be aware of and back away from when i get all kooky-like!!!

CG said...

I think one of the keys is to see what it is we ourselves are seeing as our magic bullet of the moment, because everyone has done it, and most people do it actively.

eatmisery said...

I hope your 2007 is a wonderful one! Happy New Year!

Jim said...

Your 3 "don't wants" would be at the top of my don't want list too!

And, if I lived out like you do, on a farmstead, my "do want" list would probably be very similar too. Especially number 3, because of my distaste for number 1.

It's not that I don't love old pick-ups as much as any other guy (or Goddess), but you understand...

A Happy New Year to ya CG and Family!!!

CG said...

Jim, we've seriously considered how we could do without a vehicle. And we could, no doubt. But right now it would be either more expensive or more dangerous and sometimes both to do so, rather than have them and use them as little as possible. And it isn't really the existence of IC engines that is the problem, it is the use (overuse) of them.