Friday, April 15, 2005

Conformity, Verse Two

Everything I said about conformity in regards to food, double that for people.

The push toward everything conforming to one single standard is obvious in the McDonaldization of food, but is even more true of people, of the socially acceptable expectations for our lives.

Look at kids: If they don’t behave to where it is easy to control them in a group setting, they get drugged. If little boys wiggle, they get drugged. And pocket knives! Oh lawd! No shyness, no deviation in the age and rate and method that they learn to read -- no matter that it is totally normal for kids to learn to read anywhere from 4 to 12 (or even later).

Looked at us. We are all supposed to want to do the same thing -- to make the most money, live in the biggest house, drive the newest car, and have our kids follow in our miserable footsteps. I’m a stay-on-the-farm mom, but you know, women are all supposed to want to do what men do which is only go off the place and work for the most money. And poor men, they are even more constrained in their choices of how to be in the world. Work, make money, that’s it.

Now, let me say that it is important that we provide for our families. But is a father who is not there for his kids really providing for them, no matter how much they have materially? I say no. Now, each family has to work out for its own self what all this means, I am not saying that all people need to choose intentional poverty in the way we have, but asking the questions is so important.

Asking the questions that have no answers. And answering them with how we choose to live.

And happy 50th birthday, Mickey D's!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Duke is truly beautiful!

We just finished our taxes too...
