Sunday, December 05, 2004

What Am I Doing Here?

Not as in the meaning of life, but here, blogging.

I want to keep a log of farm life, thus "life on the farm". I like telling stories and there were probably those who got e-mails from me pre-blog who didn't care about me getting sprayed by a skunk or to find out about Mabel Ray from my childhood or to hear ancestral family cow stories. So now that those things are on the blog, they don't get those e-mails anymore. I want to keep up with "the farrier came" and "we planted onion seeds" and also explore the lessons of the carrots and chickens and revel in the kids and kindnesses.

The mundane IS the spiritual. Chop wood, carry water. I want to learn, I always want to learn. I want to have fun.

And I just needed to remind myself.

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